VR Sailors - MarineVerse Community: Romeo
Welcome to the twelfth post in the series “VR Sailors - MarineVerse Community” - introducing sailors racing in MarineVerse Cup.
Today, we are chatting with Romeo from Marina Del Rey, CA.
In virtual reality, you can meet Romeo in MarineVerse Cup as Romeo. In MarineVerse Cup he is racing in a “Pro Series” and as of today is #31 in the world.
We have asked Romeo a couple of questions..
What is your sailing experience?
10 years ago, While working in LA I moved to Marina Del Rey, and learned to sail at Blue Water Sailing School. I am ASA certified however I have not gone out enough to keep my skills and knowledge current.
What is your favourite sailing memory?
One of the first time I sailed before I was certified, was to help out in a race. My friend and I did not know what to expect and arrived late, as we jumped on the boat a cannon went off, and the captain handed me a running stop watch and said call out the minutes then the seconds as we hit 6min. The start! We worked as a team as the captain shouted orders. It was Fantastic and ignited my Interest in sailing. We came in third place.
My favorite sailing memory was sailing through a huge pod of Dolphins moving south from Malibu to Long beach. It was magnificent. A dolphin pod would be a great add to Big Breezy Boat.
Tell us something about your experience with MarineVerse Cup?
I was interested in VR and purchased an Oculus Go and discovered the “Big Breezy Boat” and enjoyed getting on the VR ocean.
I upgraded to Oculus Quest and contacted Greg from MarineVerse team and wondered why I could not get the sailing app. Greg hooked me up with the alpha version of MarineVerse Cup.
So while I am sheltering in place, I have been addicted to competing in sailing races daily!
Who and why should try MarineVerse Cup
If you can’t get to the ocean, or have no access to a sail boat, MarineVerse Cup is the perfect VR solution to improve you sailing knowledge and skill set. I would recommend it to any one who loves to escape, even while we are in lock down.
MarineVerse Cup is all about the community. If you would like to try sailing join us. You can meet VR sailors at our Discord chat server and you can downland MarineVerse Cup on Steam or via SideQuest.
We hope you enjoyed this blog post in “VR Sailors - MarineVerse Community” series - stay tuned for more soon!
- #1 David Wright, Commodore at Hythe Sailing Club in Southampton
- #2 Luke, Dinghy sailor from Germany
- #3 Jon “Bofh” from Glastonbury in the U.K
- #4 Guillermo Iurgi López de Ipiña Silván from Spain
- #5 Ryan (AKA Sailing FreeStyle ) from the USA
- #6 Nelson from Cincinnati, Ohio in the USA
- #7 Mark Afheldt based in Toronto, Canada
- #8 Dennis Fields sailing out of Las Vegas, Nevada
- #9 William Wollin, based in Racine, Wisconsin
- #10 Pascal from Paris, France
- #11 Linda van Kleef, Dutch living in Germany
- #12 Romeo, Marina Del Rey, CA
- #13 Kevin, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
- #14 Rik, Blackpool, England
- #15 Captain Ben, UK
- #16 Dave aka Bot33, UK
- #17 Andrew Brenton, UK
- #18 Pete Hoffswell, US
- #19 Colin aka SwabbinQuincyTeach, US
- #20 Tim from Amsterdam, Netherlands
- #21 Peter from Oregon, USA
- #22 Moira from Ireland
- #23 Finnbuck from Pennsylvania, USA