VR Sailors - MarineVerse Community: Linda van Kleef
Welcome to the eleventh post in the series “VR Sailors - MarineVerse Community” - introducing sailors racing in MarineVerse Cup.
Today, we are chatting with Linda van Kleef, Dutch living in Germany.
In virtual reality, you can meet Linda in MarineVerse Cup as LindaDiva. In MarineVerse Cup Linda is racing in both “Standard Series” & “Dinghy Series” and as of today is #26 in the world.
We have asked Linda a couple of questions..
What is your sailing experience?
Started at 8 years old in Dinghy, Laser then Yacht and at 12 Windsurfing incl. Dutch Open Championship for 4 years, got my dutch “drivers licence” I and II Stopped at about 30 years old.
I am now 54 and living in Germany, my husband has Multiple Sclerosis so sailing and boats is in the past in real life.
What is your favourite sailing memory?
Sailing with my father from Holland to Ipswitch England in a huge storm at night, my first unreal kind of vr experience if i look back at it now.(age 27)
And sailing in my Laser on the lake around the Island Pampus where the bigger waves were in summer with lots of wind ! The ultimate feeling of freedom and elements, wind water waves clouds sun ! age 14
Tell us something about your experience with MarineVerse?
Recently started on the Oculus Go with Big Breezy Boat, immediately after involved my 80 year old mother too on her own Go, living not far from each other but during COVID time, in BBB relaxing, feeling like we used to feel when we were sailing, chatting and relaxing and being amazed !
Recently lost my father due to severe agressive Dementia and as an artist i made his card for the cremation, him sailing away into the sunset which looked exactly like BBB, in multiplayer mode all of a sudden a third person appeared for the first time, both tugging at the steering wheel we stranded on an Island, my mother said omg its your father !
And we had a huge laugh about it. There is no one favorit memory it is special and amazing to us and me every day every time in any of the MarineVerse VR sailing apps.
In MarineVerse Cup, the racing is more fun than it ever was in real life for me
I am too kind to be totally competitive in real life, you know with windsurfing at the start it was one argument after another and trying to push eachother of the boards, screaming objection ! all the time. But MarineVerse Cup makes even me competitive. It is just amazing !!
Who and why should try MarineVerse Cup
Just anyone who has the slightest thing with watersports/sailing because it is just very realistic amazing immersive competitive feeling, incl relaxing and escape into VR
Any tips for those new to sailing that want to race in MarineVerse Cup?
Ask someone to teach you the sailing basics and practise a lot because its just amazing fun !
The sailing, the behaviour of the boat it is like in real life, you can learn how to sail here and or just continue or start a hobby that gets you involved for a lifetime.
MarineVerse Cup is all about the community. If you would like to try sailing join us. You can meet VR sailors at our Discord chat server and you can downland MarineVerse Cup on Steam or via SideQuest.
We hope you enjoyed this blog post in “VR Sailors - MarineVerse Community” series - stay tuned for more soon!
- #1 David Wright, Commodore at Hythe Sailing Club in Southampton
- #2 Luke, Dinghy sailor from Germany
- #3 Jon “Bofh” from Glastonbury in the U.K
- #4 Guillermo Iurgi López de Ipiña Silván from Spain
- #5 Ryan (AKA Sailing FreeStyle ) from the USA
- #6 Nelson from Cincinnati, Ohio in the USA
- #7 Mark Afheldt based in Toronto, Canada
- #8 Dennis Fields sailing out of Las Vegas, Nevada
- #9 William Wollin, based in Racine, Wisconsin
- #10 Pascal from Paris, France
- #11 Linda van Kleef, Dutch living in Germany
- #12 Romeo, Marina Del Rey, CA
- #13 Kevin, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
- #14 Rik, Blackpool, England
- #15 Captain Ben, UK
- #16 Dave aka Bot33, UK
- #17 Andrew Brenton, UK
- #18 Pete Hoffswell, US
- #19 Colin aka SwabbinQuincyTeach, US
- #20 Tim from Amsterdam, Netherlands
- #21 Peter from Oregon, USA
- #22 Moira from Ireland
- #23 Finnbuck from Pennsylvania, USA