VR Sailors - MarineVerse Community: Mark Afheldt
Welcome to the seventh post in the series “VR Sailors - MarineVerse Community” - introducing sailors racing in MarineVerse Cup.
Today, we are chatting with Mark Afheldt based in Toronto, Canada.
In virtual reality, you can meet Mark in MarineVerse Cup as Markolus. In MarineVerse Cup Mark is racing in a “Pro Series” and as of today is #9 in the world.
We have asked Mark a couple of questions..
What is your sailing experience?
I’ve been sailing for 40 years.
Started as a kid racing 420’s and laser’s moved to Sharks, Solings, C&C 27’s and even bought a 14 foot skiff when i travelled Australia for a year in 95’!
I was a sailing instructor for many years and raced on many more classes but currently enjoying racing in IRC 1 with our Farr 39 ML Sea Ya.
What is your favourite sailing memory?
Racing in the NA Soiling Championships in Chicago as an 18 year old against the big guns and performing well. Also winning the Lake Ontario 300 on See Ya with our awesome team.
Tell us something about your experience with MarineVerse Cup?
I was amazed at the immersive feeling of being on the water starting with VR Regatta to learn the intuitive control of the boat and then moving onto Marine Verse Cup. It’s great to have strong competition to push to improve my sailing and vr skills.
Who and why should try MarineVerse Cup
It’s a great way to experience sailing especially in the dingy for those wishing to learn to sail and also those wishing to keep their skills up in the off season. It’s a ton of fun to play and will only get better with future development.
Any tips for those new to sailing that want to race in MarineVerse Cup?
It’s a great safe way to learn how to sail and like sailing any boat sail trim is key to keep the boat moving fast.
MarineVerse Cup is all about the community. If you would like to try sailing join us. You can meet VR sailors at our Discord chat server and you can downland MarineVerse Cup on Steam or via SideQuest.
We hope you enjoyed this blog post in “VR Sailors - MarineVerse Community” series - stay tuned for more soon!
- #1 David Wright, Commodore at Hythe Sailing Club in Southampton
- #2 Luke, Dinghy sailor from Germany
- #3 Jon “Bofh” from Glastonbury in the U.K
- #4 Guillermo Iurgi López de Ipiña Silván from Spain
- #5 Ryan (AKA Sailing FreeStyle ) from the USA
- #6 Nelson from Cincinnati, Ohio in the USA
- #7 Mark Afheldt based in Toronto, Canada
- #8 Dennis Fields sailing out of Las Vegas, Nevada
- #9 William Wollin, based in Racine, Wisconsin
- #10 Pascal from Paris, France
- #11 Linda van Kleef, Dutch living in Germany
- #12 Romeo, Marina Del Rey, CA
- #13 Kevin, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
- #14 Rik, Blackpool, England
- #15 Captain Ben, UK
- #16 Dave aka Bot33, UK
- #17 Andrew Brenton, UK
- #18 Pete Hoffswell, US
- #19 Colin aka SwabbinQuincyTeach, US
- #20 Tim from Amsterdam, Netherlands
- #21 Peter from Oregon, USA
- #22 Moira from Ireland
- #23 Finnbuck from Pennsylvania, USA