VR Sailors - MarineVerse Community: Nelson Livingston
Welcome to the sixth post in the series “VR Sailors - MarineVerse Community” - introducing sailors racing in MarineVerse Cup.
Today, we are chatting with Nelson Livingston from Cincinnati, Ohio in the USA.
In virtual reality, you can meet Nelson in MarineVerse Cup under his name as Nelson. In MarineVerse Cup Nelson is racing in a “Pro Series” and as of today is #7 in the world.
We have asked Nelson a couple of questions..
What is your sailing experience?
We have a few small lakes nearby and the Ohio River ( the river is not good for sailing). I started sailing when I was 8 years old.
Some with my father in an O-Day Daysailer. We sailed in national championships on all three coasts.
Once I saw a 12 foot shark off to the port side. Mind you we were in a 17 foot boat, there was almost no wind so we were sitting on the low side to try and get the sails to fill. Yikes.
I sailed solo in a Sunfish hull number 1227 (old hull). We changed to a large cruiser in Galveston. sailed off shore and down the coast.
I have sailed in Hawaii.
I am also a recipient of the Presidential Sports Award for sailing.
I was in the sea explorers branch of the Boy Scouts of America.
Tell us something about your experience with MarineVerse Cup?
I started VR sailing with VR Regatta on the PC. Found myself trying to hike out on the Laser. One of my kids took my headset to college with them.
Along came the Oculus Quest and I jumped back in and then found MarineVerse Cup. This is great. You can hear the water, the sails, the winches, the creaking of the wheel.
You get so immersed that I have even found myself ducking under the boom out of habit. That was really strange but I had to see if I was going to make the mark or not, but to duck under…
I have had several really close races, one here recently where Greg’s bow was in my cockpit sailing towards the finish line. We finished less than 1/2 second apart.
Who and why should try MarineVerse Cup
Any sailor.
It so second nature that there is almost nothing to learn. Is it winter and you can’t get your boat out? Is it in dry dock having the bottom painted. Short on crew and can’t make it. Want to have fun competing against other sailors from around the world? Then this is for you.
Think about it what other sailing events put sailors from around the world together against one another. (America’s Cup, Volvo Ocean Race). As time goes on and the software continues to improve, I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us.
MarineVerse Cup is all about the community. If you would like to try sailing join us. You can meet VR sailors at our Discord chat server and you can downland MarineVerse Cup on Steam or via SideQuest.
We hope you enjoyed this blog post in “VR Sailors - MarineVerse Community” series - stay tuned for more soon!
- #1 David Wright, Commodore at Hythe Sailing Club in Southampton
- #2 Luke, Dinghy sailor from Germany
- #3 Jon “Bofh” from Glastonbury in the U.K
- #4 Guillermo Iurgi López de Ipiña Silván from Spain
- #5 Ryan (AKA Sailing FreeStyle ) from the USA
- #6 Nelson from Cincinnati, Ohio in the USA
- #7 Mark Afheldt based in Toronto, Canada
- #8 Dennis Fields sailing out of Las Vegas, Nevada
- #9 William Wollin, based in Racine, Wisconsin
- #10 Pascal from Paris, France
- #11 Linda van Kleef, Dutch living in Germany
- #12 Romeo, Marina Del Rey, CA
- #13 Kevin, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
- #14 Rik, Blackpool, England
- #15 Captain Ben, UK
- #16 Dave aka Bot33, UK
- #17 Andrew Brenton, UK
- #18 Pete Hoffswell, US
- #19 Colin aka SwabbinQuincyTeach, US
- #20 Tim from Amsterdam, Netherlands
- #21 Peter from Oregon, USA
- #22 Moira from Ireland
- #23 Finnbuck from Pennsylvania, USA